
This is an overview about the exceptions that could arise in this package. They are available in matrix.errors:

If a matrix should be decomposed with matrix.decompose and the desired decomposition is not computable, the following exceptions can be raised:


class matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleError(base, desired_type)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.BaseError

It is not possible to calculate a desired matrix decomposition.


class matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleWithProblematicSubdecompositionError(base, desired_type, problematic_leading_principal_submatrix_index, subdecomposition=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleError

It is not possible to calculate a desired matrix decomposition. Only a subdecompostion could be calculated


class matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleTooManyEntriesError(matrix, desired_type)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleError

The decomposition is not possible for this matrix because it would have too many entries.


class matrix.errors.NoDecompositionConversionImplementedError(decomposition, desired_type)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleError

A decomposition conversion is not implemented for this type.

If a matrix has an invalid characteristic, the following exceptions can occur:


class matrix.errors.MatrixError(matrix, message=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.BaseError

An exception related to a matrix.


class matrix.errors.MatrixNotSquareError(matrix)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.MatrixError

A matrix is not a square matrix although a square matrix is required.


class matrix.errors.MatrixNotFiniteError(matrix)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.MatrixError

A matrix has non-finite entries although a finite matrix is required.


class matrix.errors.MatrixSingularError(matrix)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.MatrixError

A matrix is singular although an invertible matrix is required.


class matrix.errors.MatrixNotHermitianError(matrix, i=None, j=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.MatrixError

A matrix is not Hermitian although a Hermitian matrix is required.


class matrix.errors.MatrixComplexDiagonalValueError(matrix, i=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.MatrixNotHermitianError

A matrix has complex diagonal values although real diagonal values are required.

If the matrix represented by a decomposition has an invalid characteristic, the following exceptions can occur:


class matrix.errors.DecompositionError(decomposition, message=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.BaseError

An exception related to a decomposition.


class matrix.errors.DecompositionNotFiniteError(decomposition)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.DecompositionError

A decomposition of a matrix has non-finite entries although a finite matrix is required.


class matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError(decomposition)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.DecompositionError

A decomposition represents a singular matrix although a non-singular matrix is required.

If a decomposition should be loaded from a file which is not a valid decomposition file, the following exception is raised:


class matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidFile(filename)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.DecompositionError, OSError

An attempt was made to load a decomposition from an invalid file.

If a decomposition should be loaded from a file which caontains a type which does not fit to the type of the decomposition where it should be loaded into, the following exception is raised:


class matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidDecompositionTypeFile(filename, type_file, type_needed)[source]

Bases: matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidFile

An attempt was made to load a decomposition from an file in which another decomposition type is stored.

The following exception is the base exception from which all other exceptions in this package are derived:


class matrix.errors.BaseError(message)[source]

Bases: Exception

This is the base exception for all exceptions in this package.