Source code for matrix.approximation.positive_semidefinite.Reimer

import math
import cmath
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

import matrix
import matrix.constants
import matrix.decompositions
import matrix.errors
import matrix.permute
import matrix.sparse.util
import matrix._util.roots

""" Permutation method supported by the decomposition and the positive_semidefinite_matrix algorithm. """
""" Permutation method supported by the decomposition and the positive_semidefinite_matrix algorithm. """
""" Permutation methods supported only by the decomposition and the positive_semidefinite_matrix algorithm. """

def _difference_frobenius_norm(d, omega, alpha, beta, gamma):
        if omega == 0:  # for case alpha == inf
            f_value = (d - gamma)**2 + beta
        elif omega == 1:  # for case beta == inf
            f_value = (d + alpha - gamma)**2
            f_value = (d + omega**2 * alpha - gamma)**2 + (omega - 1)**2 * beta
    except RuntimeWarning as e:
        if e.args[0] == 'overflow encountered in double_scalars':
            f_value = math.inf
            raise e
    assert f_value >= 0
    return f_value

def _minimal_change(alpha, beta, gamma, min_diag_D, max_diag_D=math.inf,
                    min_diag_B=-math.inf, max_diag_B=math.inf, min_abs_value_D=0):
    # debug info
    matrix.logger.debug(f'Searching best value for '
                        f'alpha {alpha}, beta {beta}, gamma {gamma}, min_diag_D {min_diag_D}, '
                        f'max_diag_D {max_diag_D}, min_abs_value_D {min_abs_value_D}, '
                        f'min_diag_B {min_diag_B}, max_diag_B {max_diag_B}.')

    # check input
    assert math.isfinite(alpha) or alpha == math.inf
    assert math.isfinite(beta) or beta == math.inf
    assert math.isfinite(gamma)
    assert math.isfinite(min_diag_D)
    assert math.isfinite(min_abs_value_D)
    assert alpha >= 0
    assert beta >= 0
    assert beta != 0 or alpha == 0
    assert min_diag_D >= 0
    assert min_abs_value_D > 0
    assert max(min_diag_D, min_abs_value_D, min_diag_B) <= min(max_diag_D, max_diag_B)

    # global solution
    min_diag_D_without_zero = max(min_diag_D, min_abs_value_D)
    a = max(min_diag_D_without_zero, min_diag_B - alpha)
    b = min(max_diag_D, max_diag_B - alpha)
    d = gamma - alpha
    if a <= d <= b:
        assert alpha != math.inf
        omega = 1
        f_value = 0
        assert math.isclose(_difference_frobenius_norm(d, omega, alpha, beta, gamma), f_value)

    # solution at bounds
        # prepare candidate set
        C = []

        # alpha is finite
        add_best_d_omega_zero = False
        if math.isfinite(alpha):
            if a <= b:
                if d < a:
                    C.append((a, 1))
                elif d > b:
                    C.append((b, 1))
                    assert False

            # alpha and beta are finite
            if math.isfinite(beta):
                if alpha != 0:
                    # add feasible d values
                    d_values = []
                    if min_diag_B - alpha <= min_diag_D_without_zero:
                    if math.isfinite(max_diag_D) and max_diag_D <= max_diag_B:
                    # add feasible d and omega values
                    for d in d_values:
                        # ensure that coefficients for np.roots are finite
                            q = (- 0.5 * beta / alpha) / alpha
                            p = (d - gamma) / alpha - q
                        except RuntimeWarning as e:
                            if e.args[0] == 'overflow encountered in double_scalars':
                                matrix.logger.warning(('Alpha squared is infinity. Maybe the '
                                                       'datatype should be changed to a more '
                                                       'accurate one.'))
                                add_best_d_omega_zero = True
                                raise e
                            # get roots
                            omegas = matrix._util.roots.solver_depressed_cubic(p, q, include_complex_values=False)
                            assert 1 <= len(omegas) <= 3
                            # calculate bounds
                            omega_lower = (max(min_diag_B - d, 0) / alpha)**0.5
                            assert 0 <= omega_lower <= 1
                            omega_upper = min(((max_diag_B - d) / alpha)**0.5, 1)
                            assert omega_lower <= omega_upper
                            # apply bounds and add to candidate list
                            add_omega_lower = False
                            add_omega_upper = False
                            for omega in omegas:
                                if omega <= omega_lower:
                                    add_omega_lower = True
                                elif omega >= omega_upper:
                                    add_omega_upper = True
                                    C.append((d, omega))
                            if add_omega_lower:
                                C.append((d, omega_lower))
                            if add_omega_upper:
                                C.append((d, omega_upper))
                matrix.logger.warning(('Beta is infinity. Maybe the datatype should be changed to '
                                       'a more accurate one.'))
                add_best_d_omega_zero = True
            matrix.logger.warning(('Alpha is infinity. Maybe the datatype should be changed to '
                                   'a more accurate one.'))
            add_best_d_omega_zero = True

        # add (d, 0) where d is best if omega is zero
        if add_best_d_omega_zero:
            d = max(min_diag_D_without_zero, min_diag_B, min(gamma, max_diag_D, max_diag_B))
            C.append((d, 0))

        # add (0, 0)
        if min_diag_D == 0 and min_diag_B <= 0 and 2 * gamma <= min_abs_value_D:
            C.append((0, 0))

        # calculate function values for candidates
        assert len(C) >= 1
        C_with_f_value = ((d, omega, _difference_frobenius_norm(d, omega, alpha, beta, gamma))
                          for (d, omega) in C)

        # return best values
        (d, omega, f_value) = min(C_with_f_value, key=lambda x: (x[2], -x[0], x[1]))

    # debug info
    matrix.logger.debug(f'Best value is d {d}, omega {omega} with f {f_value}.')

    # return value
    assert min_diag_D <= d <= max_diag_D
    assert d >= min_abs_value_D or (d == 0 and min_diag_D <= 0 and max_diag_D >= 0)
    assert 0 <= omega <= 1
    assert d != 0 or omega == 0
    assert f_value >= 0
    assert alpha != math.inf or omega == 0
    assert alpha == math.inf or (min_diag_B <= d + omega**2 * alpha or math.isclose(min_diag_B, d + omega**2 * alpha))
    assert alpha == math.inf or (max_diag_B >= d + omega**2 * alpha or math.isclose(max_diag_B, d + omega**2 * alpha))
    assert alpha != math.inf or (min_diag_B <= d or math.isclose(min_diag_B, d))
    assert alpha != math.inf or (max_diag_B >= d or math.isclose(max_diag_B, d))
    return (d, omega, f_value)

def _decomposition(
        A, min_diag_B=None, max_diag_B=None, min_diag_D=None, max_diag_D=None,
        min_abs_value_D=None, min_abs_value_L=None, permutation=None, overwrite_A=False,
    Computes an (approximative) :math:`LDL^H` decomposition of a matrix with the specified properties.

    Returns a :math:`LDL^H` decomposition of `A` if such a decomposition exists.
    Otherwise a :math:`LDL^H` decomposition of an approximation of `A` is retuned.

    A : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix
        The matrix that should be approximated by a decomposition.
        `A` must be Hermitian.
    min_diag_B : numpy.ndarray or float
        Each component of the diagonal of the composed matrix `B` of an approximated
        :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be greater or equal to `min_diag_B`.
        optional, default : No minimal value is forced.
    max_diag_B : numpy.ndarray or float
        Each component of the diagonal of the composed matrix `B` of an approximated
        :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be lower or equal to `max_diag_B`.
        optional, default : No maximal value is forced.
    min_diag_D : float
        Each component of the diagonal of the matrix `D` in an approximated
        :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be greater or equal to `min_diag_D`.
        `min_diag_D` must be greater or equal to 0.
        optional, default : Is chosen by the algorithm.
    max_diag_D : float
        Each component of the diagonal of the matrix `D` in an approximated
        :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be lower or equal to `max_diag_D`.
        optional, default : No maximal value is forced.
    min_abs_value_D : float
        Absolute values below `min_abs_value_D` are considered as zero
        in the matrix `D` of an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition.
        `min_abs_value_D` must be greater or equal to 0.
        optional, default : The square root of the resolution of the underlying data type.
    min_abs_value_L : float
        Absolute values below `min_abs_value_L` are considered as zero
        in the matrix `L` of an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition.
        `min_abs_value_L` must be greater or equal to 0.
        optional, default : The resolution of the underlying data type.
    permutation : str or numpy.ndarray
        The symmetric permutation method that is applied to the matrix before it is decomposed.
        It has to be a value in :const:`matrix.UNIVERSAL_PERMUTATION_METHODS` or
        If `A` is sparse, it can also be a value in
        It is also possible to directly pass a permutation vector.
        optional, default: The permutation is chosen by the algorithm.
    overwrite_A : bool
        Whether it is allowed to overwrite `A`. Enabling may result in performance gain.
        optional, default: False
    strict_lower_triangular_only_L : bool
        Whether only the strict lower triangular matrix of the matrix `L` in the :math:`LDL^H`
        decomposition should be computed. If this is true, its upper triangular matrix
        may contain arbitrary values. Enabling may result in performance gain.
        optional, default : False

    L : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix (same type as A)
        Matrix `L` of the decomposition.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Diagonal of matrix `D` of the decomposition.
    p : numpy.ndarray
        Permutation vector.
    omega : numpy.ndarray
        Auxiliary vector for calculating B.
    delta : numpy.ndarray
        Auxiliary vector for calculating B.

        If `A` is not a square matrix.
        If `A` has complex diagonal values.

    # debug info
    matrix.logger.debug(f'Calculating approximated LDL decomposition with passed values: '
                        f'min_diag_B {min_diag_B}, max_diag_B {max_diag_B}, '
                        f'min_diag_D {min_diag_D}, max_diag_D {max_diag_D}, '
                        f'min_abs_value_D {min_abs_value_D}, min_abs_value_L {min_abs_value_L}, '
                        f'permutation {permutation}, overwrite_A {overwrite_A}, '
                        f'strict_lower_triangular_only_L {strict_lower_triangular_only_L}.')

    # raise error at overflow
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings(action='error', message='overflow encountered in double_scalars',

        # check A
        is_dense = not matrix.sparse.util.is_sparse(A)
        if is_dense:
            A = np.asarray(A)
        elif A.format not in ('csc', 'csr', 'lil', 'dok'):
            A = A.tocsc(copy=False)
        if A.ndim != 2 or A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
            raise matrix.errors.MatrixNotSquareError(A)
        n = A.shape[0]

        # calculate gamma
        gamma = A.diagonal()
        if np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating):
            if not np.all(np.isreal(gamma)):
                index_with_complex_value = np.where(~np.isreal(gamma))[0][0]
                raise matrix.errors.MatrixComplexDiagonalValueError(A, i=index_with_complex_value)
            gamma = gamma.real

        # check diag values
        def check_float_scalar_or_vector(f, f_name='variable', default_value=None,
                                         minus_inf_okay=False, plus_inf_okay=False):
            if f is not None:
                    f = np.asarray(f)
                except TypeError as original_error:
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must a scalar value or a vector but it is {f}.')
                    raise error from original_error
                if not (f.ndim == 0 or (f.ndim == 1 and f.shape[0] == n)):
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must be a scalar or a vector with the same '
                                       f'dimension as A but its shape is {f.shape}.')
                    raise error
                if not (np.all(np.isreal(f))):
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must be real valued but it is {f}.')
                    raise error
                if not np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(f),
                                                                         f == math.inf),
                                                                         f == -math.inf)))):
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must be finite'
                                       + (' or minus infinity' if minus_inf_okay else '')
                                       + (' or plus infinity' if plus_inf_okay else '')
                                       + f' but it is {f}.')
                    raise error
                f = np.asarray(default_value)
            return f

        def check_float_scalar(f, f_name='variable', default_value=None,
                               lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
                               minus_inf_okay=False, plus_inf_okay=False):
            if f is not None:
                    f = float(f)
                except TypeError as original_error:
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must a float value but it is {f}.')
                    raise error from original_error
                if not (math.isfinite(f) or (minus_inf_okay and f == -math.inf)
                        or (plus_inf_okay and f == math.inf)):
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must be finite'
                                       + (' or minus infinity' if minus_inf_okay else '')
                                       + (' or plus infinity' if plus_inf_okay else '')
                                       + f' but it is {f}.')
                    raise error
                if lower_bound is not None and f < lower_bound:
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must be greater or equal to {lower_bound} but '
                                       f'it is {f}.')
                    raise error
                if upper_bound is not None and f > upper_bound:
                    error = ValueError(f'{f_name} must be less or equal to {upper_bound} but '
                                       f'it is {f}.')
                    raise error
                f = default_value
            return f

        min_diag_B = check_float_scalar_or_vector(min_diag_B, 'min_diag_B', default_value=-math.inf,
                                                  minus_inf_okay=True, plus_inf_okay=False)
        max_diag_B = check_float_scalar_or_vector(max_diag_B, 'max_diag_B', default_value=math.inf,
                                                  minus_inf_okay=False, plus_inf_okay=True)

        min_diag_D = check_float_scalar(min_diag_D, f_name='min_diag_D',
                                        default_value=None, lower_bound=0,
                                        minus_inf_okay=False, plus_inf_okay=False)
        max_diag_D = check_float_scalar(max_diag_D, f_name='max_diag_D',
                                        default_value=math.inf, lower_bound=None,
                                        minus_inf_okay=False, plus_inf_okay=True)

        if not (max(np.max(min_diag_B), min_diag_D if min_diag_D is not None else 0)
                <= min(np.min(max_diag_B), max_diag_D)):
            error = ValueError(('The values of min_diag_B and min_diag_D must be lower or equal '
                                'to the values of max_diag_B and max_diag_D.'))
            raise error

        # check overwrite_A
        if overwrite_A is None or not is_dense:
            overwrite_A = False
        if overwrite_A and np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.integer):
            overwrite_A = False
            matrix.logger.debug(f'A has an integer dtype ({A.dtype}) which can not be used to store '
                                f'the values of L. Thus L is not overwritten.')

        # init L
        if overwrite_A:
            L = A
            L_dtype = np.promote_types(A.dtype, np.float64)
            if is_dense:
                L = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=L_dtype)
                L = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((n, n), dtype=L_dtype)
                L_rows = L.rows
                L_data =

        # check min_abs_value_D and min_abs_value_L
        DTYPE = np.float128

        d_eps = np.finfo(DTYPE).eps
        min_abs_value_D = check_float_scalar(min_abs_value_D, f_name='min_abs_value_D',
                                             default_value=d_eps**0.5, lower_bound=0,
                                             minus_inf_okay=False, plus_inf_okay=False)
        min_abs_value_D = max(min_abs_value_D, d_eps)

        L_eps = np.finfo(L.dtype).eps
        min_abs_value_L = check_float_scalar(min_abs_value_L, f_name='min_abs_value_L',
                                             default_value=L_eps, lower_bound=0, upper_bound=1,
                                             minus_inf_okay=False, plus_inf_okay=False)
        min_abs_value_L = max(min_abs_value_L, L_eps)

        # check strict_lower_triangular_only_L
        if strict_lower_triangular_only_L is None:
            strict_lower_triangular_only_L = False

        # check permutation method and calculate permutation vector p
        if permutation is None:

        if isinstance(permutation, str):
            # check permutation method
            permutation_method = permutation.lower()
            supported_permutation_methods = (matrix.UNIVERSAL_PERMUTATION_METHODS
                                             + APPROXIMATION_ONLY_PERMUTATION_METHODS)
            if not is_dense:
                supported_permutation_methods = (supported_permutation_methods
                                                 + matrix.SPARSE_ONLY_PERMUTATION_METHODS)
            if permutation_method not in supported_permutation_methods:
                error = ValueError(f'Permutation method {permutation_method} is unknown. Only the '
                                   f'following methods are supported {supported_permutation_methods}.')
                raise error

            # calculate permutation vector
            matrix.logger.debug(f'Calculating permutation vector with method "{permutation_method}".')

            if permutation_method in (MINIMAL_DIFFERENCE_PERMUTATION_METHOD,
                if (permutation_method == MINIMAL_DIFFERENCE_PERMUTATION_METHOD
                        and min_diag_D is not None and min_diag_D <= 0):
                    raise ValueError(f'The permutation method '
                                     f'{MINIMAL_DIFFERENCE_PERMUTATION_METHOD} is '
                                     f'only available if min_diag_D is greater zero.')
                if is_dense:
                    p = np.arange(n, dtype=np.min_scalar_type(n))
                    p = matrix.permute.permutation_vector(
                p = matrix.permute.permutation_vector(A, permutation_method=permutation_method)
            permutation_method = None
            p = np.asanyarray(permutation)
            if p.ndim != 1 or p.shape[0] != n:
                error = ValueError(f'Permutation vector must have same length as the dimensions of '
                                   f'A. Its shape is {p.shape} and the shape of A is {A.shape}.')
                raise error

        # init other values
        alpha = np.zeros(n, dtype=DTYPE)
        beta = np.zeros(n, dtype=DTYPE)
        delta = np.empty(n, dtype=DTYPE)
        omega = np.empty(n, dtype=DTYPE)
        d = np.empty(n, dtype=DTYPE)
        L_below_row_i = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((1, 1), dtype=L.dtype)

        # debug info
        matrix.logger.debug(f'Using the following values: '
                            f'min_diag_B {min_diag_B}, max_diag_B {max_diag_B}, '
                            f'min_diag_D {min_diag_D}, max_diag_D {max_diag_D}, '
                            f'min_abs_value_D {min_abs_value_D} '
                            f'permutation {permutation}, overwrite_A {overwrite_A}, '
                            f'strict_lower_triangular_only_L {strict_lower_triangular_only_L}.')

        # calculate values iteratively
        for i in range(n):

            # choose current min d
            def minimal_change_for_index(j):
                if min_diag_B.ndim == 0:
                    min_diag_B_i = min_diag_B
                    min_diag_B_i = min_diag_B[p[j]]
                if max_diag_B.ndim == 0:
                    max_diag_B_i = max_diag_B
                    max_diag_B_i = max_diag_B[p[j]]
                if min_diag_D is not None:
                    min_diag_D_i = min_diag_D
                    min_diag_D_i = min(0.5 * min(max(gamma[p[j]], min_diag_B_i), max_diag_B_i), max_diag_D)
                return _minimal_change(
                    alpha[p[j]], beta[p[j]], gamma[p[j]], min_diag_D_i, max_diag_D=max_diag_D,
                    min_diag_B=min_diag_B_i, max_diag_B=max_diag_B_i, min_abs_value_D=min_abs_value_D)

            # determine next value for p, d, omega
            if permutation_method in (MINIMAL_DIFFERENCE_PERMUTATION_METHOD,
                if permutation_method == MINIMAL_DIFFERENCE_PERMUTATION_METHOD:
                    def order(value):
                        k, d_k, omega_k, f_value_k = value
                        return f_value_k, -d_k, omega_k, k
                    def order(value):
                        k, d_k, omega_k, f_value_k = value
                        return -d_k, f_value_k, omega_k, k
                all_minimal_changes = ((j, *minimal_change_for_index(j)) for j in range(i, n))
                (j, d_i, omega_i, f_value_i) = min(all_minimal_changes, key=order)
                # swap p[i] and p[j]
                p_i = p[j]
                p[j] = p[i]
                p[i] = p_i
                # swap L[i, :] and L[j, :]
                if i > 0:
                    if is_dense or L.format != 'lil':
                        L_j = L[j, :i].copy()
                        L[j, :i] = L[i, :i]
                        L[i, :i] = L_j
                        for iterable in (L_rows, L_data):
                            tmp = iterable[i]
                            iterable[i] = iterable[j]
                            iterable[j] = tmp
                (d_i, omega_i, f_value_i) = minimal_change_for_index(i)
                p_i = p[i]

            # update d
            assert math.isfinite(d_i)
            assert (min_diag_D is None and d_i >= 0) or d_i >= min_diag_D
            assert d_i <= max_diag_D
            assert d_i == 0 or np.abs(d_i) >= min_abs_value_D
            d[i] = d_i

            # update omega
            assert math.isfinite(omega_i)
            assert omega_i >= 0
            omega[p_i] = omega_i

            # update delta
            delta_i = d_i - gamma[p_i]
            if omega_i != 0:
                delta_i += omega_i**2 * alpha[p_i]
            assert math.isfinite(delta_i)
            delta[p_i] = delta_i

            # debug info
            matrix.logger.debug(f'Using permutation index {p_i} with d {d_i}, omega {omega[p_i]}, '
                                f'delta {delta[p_i]} and additional approximation error {f_value_i}'
                                f' for iteration {i} of {n - 1}. ({(i + 1) / n:.1%} done.)')

            # update i-th row of L with omega
            if i > 0:
                if is_dense:
                    if omega_i != 0:
                        if omega_i != 1:
                            L[i, :i] *= omega_i
                        L[i, np.where(np.abs(L[i, :i]) < min_abs_value_L)[0]] = 0
                        L[i, :i] = 0
                    assert L.format == 'lil'
                    if omega_i != 0:
                        L_i_rows = []
                        L_i_data = []
                        for row, data in zip(L_rows[i], L_data[i]):
                            data = data * omega_i
                            if np.abs(data) >= min_abs_value_L:
                        L_rows[i] = L_i_rows
                        L_data[i] = L_i_data
                        L_rows[i] = []
                        L_data[i] = []

                assert not is_dense or np.all(np.isfinite(L[i, :i]))
                assert is_dense or np.all(np.isfinite(L_data[i]))

            # get i-th column of A
            p_after_i = p[i + 1:]
            if is_dense:
                if not overwrite_A:
                    A_column_i = A[:, p_i]
                    A_column_i = np.concatenate([A[:p_i, p_i], A[p_i, p_i:].conjugate()])
                assert not overwrite_A
                if A.format in ('csc', 'csr', 'lil'):
                    A_column_i = np.zeros(n, dtype=A.dtype)
                    values =[A.indptr[p_i]: A.indptr[p_i + 1]]
                    if A.format in ('csr', 'lil'):
                        values = values.conjugate()
                    indices = A.indices[A.indptr[p_i]: A.indptr[p_i + 1]]
                    A_column_i[indices] = values
                    A_column_i = A[:, p_i].toarray().reshape(-1)
            A_column_i = A_column_i[p_after_i]
            assert np.all(np.isfinite(A_column_i))

            # update beta
            beta_add = 2 * A_column_i * A_column_i.conjugate()
            assert np.all(np.isreal(beta_add))
            beta[p_after_i] += beta_add.real

            # update alpha and i-th column of L
            if d_i != 0:
                # get auxiliary variables for calculation of i-th column of L
                if is_dense:
                    if i > 0:
                        L_row_i_mul_d = L[i, :i].conjugate() * d[:i]
                        assert np.all(np.isfinite(L_row_i_mul_d))
                        L_below_row_i = L[i + 1:, :i]
                        assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(L_below_row_i),
                    assert L.format == 'lil'
                    if len(L_rows[i]) > 0:
                        L_row_i_mul_d = L[i, :].toarray()[0]
                        L_row_i_mul_d[:i] = L_row_i_mul_d[:i].conjugate() * d[:i]
                        assert np.all(np.isfinite(L_row_i_mul_d))
                        L_below_row_i.rows = L_rows[i + 1:]
               = L_data[i + 1:]
                        L_below_row_i._shape = (n - (i + 1), n)
                        assert np.all((np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(l), np.isinf(l)))
                                       for l in

                # calculate i-th column of L
                if (is_dense and i > 0) or (not is_dense and len(L_rows[i]) > 0):
                    L_column_i = L_below_row_i @ L_row_i_mul_d

                    # recalculate values where inf * 0 is involved (inf * 0 is nan and should be 0)
                    L_column_i_nan_mask = np.where(np.isnan(L_column_i))[0]
                    assert np.all(np.logical_or(
                    if np.any(L_column_i_nan_mask):
                        L_row_i_mul_d_zero_mask = L_row_i_mul_d == 0
                        for j in L_column_i_nan_mask:
                            L_row_i_j = L_below_row_i[j, :].toarray().reshape(-1)
                            L_row_i_j[L_row_i_mul_d_zero_mask] = 0
                            L_coulmn_i_j = np.inner(L_row_i_j, L_row_i_mul_d)
                            assert np.logical_or(np.isfinite(L_coulmn_i_j), np.isinf(L_coulmn_i_j))
                            L_column_i[j] = L_coulmn_i_j
                    assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(L_column_i), np.isinf(L_column_i)))

                    L_column_i = A_column_i - L_column_i
                    L_column_i = A_column_i

                assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(L_column_i), np.isinf(L_column_i)))

                # remove zero entries if sparse
                if not is_dense:
                    L_column_i_non_zero_mask = L_column_i != 0
                    L_column_i = L_column_i[L_column_i_non_zero_mask]
                    p_after_i = p_after_i[L_column_i_non_zero_mask]
                assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(L_column_i), np.isinf(L_column_i)))

                # update i-th column of L
                if len(L_column_i) > 0:
                    # devide by d_i
                    assert math.isfinite(d_i)
                    assert d_i != 0
                    L_column_i = L_column_i / d_i
                    assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(L_column_i), np.isinf(L_column_i)))

                    # update i-th column of L
                    if is_dense:
                        L[i + 1:, i] = L_column_i
                        assert L.format == 'lil'
                        for k, L_column_i_k in zip(np.where(L_column_i_non_zero_mask)[0], L_column_i):
                            j = i + 1 + k

                    # update alpha
                    alpha_add = L_column_i * L_column_i.conjugate() * d_i
                    assert np.all(np.isreal(alpha_add))
                    alpha_add = alpha_add.real
                    assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(alpha_add), alpha_add == math.inf))
                    alpha_add[L_column_i == math.inf] = math.inf
                    alpha[p_after_i] += alpha_add
                    assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(alpha), alpha == math.inf))
                    assert np.all(np.logical_or(np.isfinite(L_column_i), alpha[p_after_i] == math.inf))

        # prepare diagonal and upper triangle of L if needed
        if not strict_lower_triangular_only_L:
            if is_dense:
                for i in range(n):
                    L[i, i] = 1
                for i in range(n):

        if not strict_lower_triangular_only_L and overwrite_A:
            assert is_dense
            for i in range(n):
                L[i, i + 1:] = 0

        # return values
        assert (min_diag_D is None and d.min() >= 0) or d.min() >= min_diag_D
        assert d.max() <= max_diag_D
        assert np.all(np.logical_or(d == 0, np.abs(d) >= min_abs_value_D))
        assert np.all(omega >= 0)
        matrix.logger.debug('Approximation of LDL decomposition finished.')
        return L, d, p, omega, delta

[docs]def decomposition( A, min_diag_B=None, max_diag_B=None, min_diag_D=None, max_diag_D=None, min_abs_value_D=None, min_abs_value_L=None, permutation=None, overwrite_A=False, return_type=None): """ Computes an approximative decomposition of a matrix with the specified properties. Returns a decomposition of `A` if has such a decomposition and otherwise a decomposition of an approximation of `A`. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix that should be approximated by a decomposition. `A` must be Hermitian. min_diag_B : numpy.ndarray or float Each component of the diagonal of the composed matrix `B` of an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be greater or equal to `min_diag_B`. optional, default : No minimal value is forced. max_diag_B : numpy.ndarray or float Each component of the diagonal of the composed matrix `B` of an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be lower or equal to `max_diag_B`. optional, default : No maximal value is forced. min_diag_D : float Each component of the diagonal of the matrix `D` in an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be greater or equal to `min_diag_D`. `min_diag_D` must be greater or equal to 0. optional, default : Is chosen by the algorithm. max_diag_D : float Each component of the diagonal of the matrix `D` in an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition is forced to be lower or equal to `max_diag_D`. optional, default : No maximal value is forced. min_abs_value_D : float Absolute values below `min_abs_value_D` are considered as zero in the matrix `D` of an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition. `min_abs_value_D` must be greater or equal to 0. optional, default : The square root of the resolution of the underlying data type. min_abs_value_L : float Absolute values below `min_abs_value_L` are considered as zero in the matrix `L` of an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition. `min_abs_value_L` must be greater or equal to 0. optional, default : The resolution of the underlying data type. permutation : str or numpy.ndarray The symmetric permutation method that is applied to the matrix before it is decomposed. It has to be a value in :const:`matrix.UNIVERSAL_PERMUTATION_METHODS` or :const:`APPROXIMATION_ONLY_PERMUTATION_METHODS`. If `A` is sparse, it can also be a value in :const:`matrix.SPARSE_ONLY_PERMUTATION_METHODS`. It is also possible to directly pass a permutation vector. optional, default: The permutation is chosen by the algorithm. overwrite_A : bool Whether it is allowed to overwrite `A`. Enabling may result in performance gain. optional, default: False return_type : str The type of the decomposition that should be returned. It has to be a value in :const:`matrix.DECOMPOSITION_TYPES`. optional, default : The type of the decomposition is chosen by the function itself. Returns ------- matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase An (approximative) decomposition of `A` of type `return_type`. Raises ------ matrix.errors.MatrixNotSquareError If `A` is not a square matrix. matrix.errors.MatrixComplexDiagonalValueError If `A` has complex diagonal values. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug(f'Calculating approximated decomposition with passed values: ' f'min_diag_B {min_diag_B}, max_diag_B {max_diag_B}, ' f'min_diag_D {min_diag_D}, max_diag_D {max_diag_D}, ' f'min_abs_value_D {min_abs_value_D}, min_abs_value_L {min_abs_value_L}, ' f'permutation {permutation}, overwrite_A {overwrite_A}, ' f'return_type {return_type}.') # check return type supported_return_types = matrix.constants.DECOMPOSITION_TYPES if return_type is not None and return_type not in supported_return_types: error = ValueError(f'Unkown return type {return_type}. Only values in ' f'{supported_return_types} are supported.') matrix.logger.error(error) raise error # calculate decomposition L, d, p, omega, delta = _decomposition( A, min_diag_B=min_diag_B, max_diag_B=max_diag_B, min_diag_D=min_diag_D, max_diag_D=max_diag_D, min_abs_value_D=min_abs_value_D, min_abs_value_L=min_abs_value_L, permutation=permutation, overwrite_A=overwrite_A, strict_lower_triangular_only_L=False) if matrix.sparse.util.is_sparse(L): matrix.logger.debug('Converting L to csr format.') L = L.tocsr(copy=False) decomposition = matrix.decompositions.LDL_Decomposition(L=L, d=d, p=p).as_type(return_type) = omega = delta # return decomposition matrix.logger.debug(f'Approximation of decomposition {decomposition} finished.') return decomposition
[docs]def positive_semidefinite_matrix( A, min_diag_B=None, max_diag_B=None, min_diag_D=None, max_diag_D=None, min_abs_value_D=None, min_abs_value_L=None, permutation=None, overwrite_A=False): """ Computes an approximation of `A` which has a :math:`LDL^H` decomposition with the specified properties. Returns `A` if `A` has such a decomposition and otherwise an approximation of `A`. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix that should be approximated. `A` must be Hermitian. min_diag_B : numpy.ndarray or float Each component of the diagonal of the returned matrix is forced to be greater or equal to `min_diag_B`. optional, default : No minimal value is forced. max_diag_B : numpy.ndarray or float Each component of the diagonal of the returned matrix is forced to be lower or equal to `max_diag_B`. optional, default : No maximal value is forced. min_diag_D : float Each component of the diagonal of the matrix `D` in a :math:`LDL^H` decomposition of the returned matrix is forced to be greater or equal to `min_diag_D`. `min_diag_D` must be greater or equal to 0. optional, default : Is chosen by the algorithm. max_diag_D : float Each component of the diagonal of the matrix `D` in a :math:`LDL^H` decomposition of the returned matrix is forced to be lower or equal to `max_diag_D`. optional, default : No maximal value is forced. min_abs_value_D : float Absolute values below `min_abs_value_D` are considered as zero in the matrix `D` in a :math:`LDL^H` decomposition of the returned matrix. `min_abs_value_D` must be greater or equal to 0. optional, default : The square root of the resolution of the underlying data type. min_abs_value_L : float Absolute values below `min_abs_value_L` are considered as zero in the matrix `L` of an approximated :math:`LDL^H` decomposition. `min_abs_value_L` must be greater or equal to 0. optional, default : The resolution of the underlying data type. permutation : str or numpy.ndarray The symmetric permutation method that is applied to the matrix before it is decomposed. It has to be a value in :const:`matrix.UNIVERSAL_PERMUTATION_METHODS` or :const:`APPROXIMATION_ONLY_PERMUTATION_METHODS`. If `A` is sparse, it can also be a value in :const:`matrix.SPARSE_ONLY_PERMUTATION_METHODS`. It is also possible to directly pass a permutation vector. optional, default: The permutation is chosen by the algorithm. overwrite_A : bool Whether it is allowed to overwrite `A`. Enabling may result in performance gain. optional, default: False Returns ------- B : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix (same type as `A`) An approximation of `A` which has a :math:`LDL^H` decomposition. Raises ------ matrix.errors.MatrixNotSquareError If `A` is not a square matrix. matrix.errors.MatrixComplexDiagonalValueError If `A` has complex diagonal values. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug(f'Calculating approximation of a matrix with passed values: ' f'min_diag_B {min_diag_B}, max_diag_B {max_diag_B}, ' f'min_diag_D {min_diag_D}, max_diag_D {max_diag_D}, ' f'min_abs_value_D {min_abs_value_D}, min_abs_value_L {min_abs_value_L}, ' f'permutation {permutation}, overwrite_A {overwrite_A}.') # calculate decomposition L, d, p, omega, delta = _decomposition( A, min_diag_B=min_diag_B, max_diag_B=max_diag_B, min_diag_D=min_diag_D, max_diag_D=max_diag_D, min_abs_value_D=min_abs_value_D, min_abs_value_L=min_abs_value_L, permutation=permutation, overwrite_A=overwrite_A, strict_lower_triangular_only_L=True) # init B matrix.logger.debug('Calculating approximation matrix B.') n = L.shape[0] B_dtype = L.dtype if np.all(d != 0): del L is_dense = not matrix.sparse.util.is_sparse(A) if overwrite_A: B = A else: if is_dense: B = np.empty((n, n), dtype=B_dtype) else: B = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix((n, n), dtype=B_dtype) # populate B q = matrix.permute.invert_permutation_vector(p) if min_diag_B is not None: min_diag_B = np.asarray(min_diag_B) if max_diag_B is not None: max_diag_B = np.asarray(max_diag_B) for i in range(n): # set diagonal entries B_i_i = A[i, i] + delta[i] if min_diag_B is not None: if min_diag_B.ndim == 0: min_diag_B_i = min_diag_B else: min_diag_B_i = min_diag_B[i] if B_i_i < min_diag_B_i: assert cmath.isclose(B_i_i, min_diag_B_i) B_i_i = min_diag_B_i if max_diag_B is not None: if max_diag_B.ndim == 0: max_diag_B_i = max_diag_B else: max_diag_B_i = max_diag_B[i] if B_i_i > max_diag_B_i: assert cmath.isclose(B_i_i, max_diag_B_i) B_i_i = max_diag_B_i assert cmath.isfinite(B_i_i) B[i, i] = B_i_i # set upper diagonal entries for j in range(i + 1, n): if q[i] > q[j]: a = j b = i else: a = i b = j assert q[a] < q[b] if d[q[a]] != 0: B_i_j = A[i, j] * omega[b] elif omega[b] == 0: B_i_j = 0 else: if q[a] > 0: r_i = L[q[i], :q[a]] r_j = L[q[j], :q[a]] if is_dense: r_i = r_i * d[:q[a]] r_j = r_j.conjugate() else: r_i = r_i.multiply(d[:q[a]]) r_j = r_j.conjugate(copy=False).transpose(copy=False) B_i_j = r_i @ r_j if not is_dense: assert B_i_j.shape == (1, 1) B_i_j = B_i_j[0, 0] else: B_i_j = 0 assert cmath.isfinite(B_i_j) B[i, j] = B_i_j # set lower diagonal entries for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): B[j, i] = np.conjugate(B[i, j]) # return B if not is_dense: B = B.asformat(A.format) # return B assert min_diag_B is None or np.all(B.diagonal() >= min_diag_B) assert max_diag_B is None or np.all(B.diagonal() <= max_diag_B) matrix.logger.debug('Approximation matrix B calculated.') return B