Matrix decompositions

Several matrix decompositions are supported. They are available in matrix.decompositions:

LL decomposition

class matrix.decompositions.LL_Decomposition(L=None, p=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase

A matrix decomposition where \(LL^H\) is the decomposed (permuted) matrix.

L is a lower triangle matrix with ones on the diagonal. This decomposition is also called Cholesky decomposition.

  • L (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix L of the decomposition. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later.
  • p (numpy.ndarray) – The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] where A is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation

The matrix L of the decomposition.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

The permutation matrix. P @ A @ P.T is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


Makes a new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended.

Parameters:dec (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be appended to this decomposition.
Returns:dec – A new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended. This desomposition represents the first block and the passed one the second block.
Return type:DecompositionBase
as_any_type(*type_strs, copy=False)

Converts this decomposition to any of the passed types.

  • *type_strs (str) – The decomposition types to any of them this this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not in type_strs, a decomposition of type type_str[0] is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_same_type(dec, copy=False)

Converts the passed decompositions to the same type as this decomposition.

  • doc (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of the decomposition that sould be converted should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of the passed decomposition is not same type as this decomposition, a decomposition of this type is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as the passed decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_type(type_str, copy=False)[source]

Converts this decomposition to passed type.

  • type_str (str) – The decomposition type to which this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not type_str, a decomposition of type type_str is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:



Check if this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Parameters:check_finite (bool) – Whether to perform this check. default: True
Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionNotFiniteError – If this is a decomposition representing a non-finite matrix.

Check if this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

The composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Copies this decomposition.

Returns:A copy of this decomposition.
Return type:matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase
inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ B @ x, where B is the mattrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product B @ x, where B is the matrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of B @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

is_almost_equal(other, rtol=0.0001, atol=1e-06)[source]

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

  • other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
  • rtol (float) – The relative tolerance parameter.
  • atol (float) – The absolute tolerance parameter.

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

Return type:



Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.

Parameters:other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
Returns:Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this is a decompositon with permutation.


Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this decomposition is of the passed type.

Parameters:type_str (str) – The decomposition type according to which is checked.
Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of the passed type.
Return type:bool

Loads a decomposition of this type.


filename (str) – Where the decomposition is saved.

  • FileNotFoundError – If the files are not found in the passed directory.
  • DecompositionInvalidDecompositionTypeFile – If the files contains another decomposition type.
matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


The dimension of the squared decomposed matrix.


The permutation vector. A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


The permutation vector that undoes the permutation.


Permutes a matrix by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be permuted.
Returns:The matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Saves this decomposition.

Parameters:filename (str) – Where this decomposition should be saved.
solve(b, dtype=None)

Solves the equation A x = b regarding x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • b (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Right-hand side vector or matrix in equation A x = b. It must hold self.n == b.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

An x so that A x = b. The shape of x matches the shape of b.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

type_str = 'LL'

The type of this decomposition represented as string.


Unpermutes a matrix permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be unpermuted.
Returns:The matrix A unpermuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

LDL decomposition

class matrix.decompositions.LDL_Decomposition(L=None, d=None, p=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase

A matrix decomposition where \(LDL^H\) is the decomposed (permuted) matrix.

L is a lower triangle matrix with ones on the diagonal. D is a diagonal matrix. Only the diagonal values of D are stored.

  • L (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix L of the decomposition. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later.
  • d (numpy.ndarray) – The vector of the diagonal components of D of the decompositon. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later.
  • p (numpy.ndarray) – The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] where A is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation

The permutation matrix.


The matrix L of the decomposition.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

A matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of D and whose off-diagonal values are those of L.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

The permutation matrix. P @ A @ P.T is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


Makes a new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended.

Parameters:dec (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be appended to this decomposition.
Returns:dec – A new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended. This desomposition represents the first block and the passed one the second block.
Return type:DecompositionBase
as_any_type(*type_strs, copy=False)

Converts this decomposition to any of the passed types.

  • *type_strs (str) – The decomposition types to any of them this this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not in type_strs, a decomposition of type type_str[0] is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_same_type(dec, copy=False)

Converts the passed decompositions to the same type as this decomposition.

  • doc (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of the decomposition that sould be converted should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of the passed decomposition is not same type as this decomposition, a decomposition of this type is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as the passed decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_type(type_str, copy=False)[source]

Converts this decomposition to passed type.

  • type_str (str) – The decomposition type to which this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not type_str, a decomposition of type type_str is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:



Check if this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Parameters:check_finite (bool) – Whether to perform this check. default: True
Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionNotFiniteError – If this is a decomposition representing a non-finite matrix.

Check if this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

The composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Copies this decomposition.

Returns:A copy of this decomposition.
Return type:matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase

The diagonal vector of the matrix D of the decomposition.

inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ B @ x, where B is the mattrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product B @ x, where B is the matrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of B @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

is_almost_equal(other, rtol=0.0001, atol=1e-06)[source]

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

  • other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
  • rtol (float) – The relative tolerance parameter.
  • atol (float) – The absolute tolerance parameter.

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

Return type:



Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.

Parameters:other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
Returns:Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this is a decompositon with permutation.


Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this decomposition is of the passed type.

Parameters:type_str (str) – The decomposition type according to which is checked.
Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of the passed type.
Return type:bool

Loads a decomposition of this type.


filename (str) – Where the decomposition is saved.

  • FileNotFoundError – If the files are not found in the passed directory.
  • DecompositionInvalidDecompositionTypeFile – If the files contains another decomposition type.
matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


The dimension of the squared decomposed matrix.


The permutation vector. A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


The permutation vector that undoes the permutation.


Permutes a matrix by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be permuted.
Returns:The matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Saves this decomposition.

Parameters:filename (str) – Where this decomposition should be saved.
solve(b, dtype=None)

Solves the equation A x = b regarding x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • b (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Right-hand side vector or matrix in equation A x = b. It must hold self.n == b.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

An x so that A x = b. The shape of x matches the shape of b.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

type_str = 'LDL'

The type of this decomposition represented as string.


Unpermutes a matrix permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be unpermuted.
Returns:The matrix A unpermuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

LDL decomposition compressed

class matrix.decompositions.LDL_DecompositionCompressed(LD=None, p=None)[source]

Bases: matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase

A matrix decomposition where \(LDL^H\) is the decomposed (permuted) matrix.

L is a lower triangle matrix with ones on the diagonal. D is a diagonal matrix. L and D are stored in one matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of D and whose off-diagonal values are those of L.

  • LD (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – A matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of D and whose off-diagonal values are those of L. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later.
  • p (numpy.ndarray) – The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] where A is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation

The permutation matrix.


The matrix L of the decomposition.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

A matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of D and whose off-diagonal values are those of L.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

The permutation matrix. P @ A @ P.T is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


Makes a new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended.

Parameters:dec (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be appended to this decomposition.
Returns:dec – A new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended. This desomposition represents the first block and the passed one the second block.
Return type:DecompositionBase
as_any_type(*type_strs, copy=False)

Converts this decomposition to any of the passed types.

  • *type_strs (str) – The decomposition types to any of them this this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not in type_strs, a decomposition of type type_str[0] is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_same_type(dec, copy=False)

Converts the passed decompositions to the same type as this decomposition.

  • doc (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of the decomposition that sould be converted should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of the passed decomposition is not same type as this decomposition, a decomposition of this type is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as the passed decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_type(type_str, copy=False)[source]

Converts this decomposition to passed type.

  • type_str (str) – The decomposition type to which this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not type_str, a decomposition of type type_str is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:



Check if this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Parameters:check_finite (bool) – Whether to perform this check. default: True
Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionNotFiniteError – If this is a decomposition representing a non-finite matrix.

Check if this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

The composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Copies this decomposition.

Returns:A copy of this decomposition.
Return type:matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase

The diagonal vector of the matrix D of the decomposition.

inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ B @ x, where B is the mattrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product B @ x, where B is the matrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of B @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

is_almost_equal(other, rtol=0.0001, atol=1e-06)[source]

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

  • other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
  • rtol (float) – The relative tolerance parameter.
  • atol (float) – The absolute tolerance parameter.

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

Return type:



Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.

Parameters:other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
Returns:Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this is a decompositon with permutation.


Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this decomposition is of the passed type.

Parameters:type_str (str) – The decomposition type according to which is checked.
Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of the passed type.
Return type:bool

Loads a decomposition of this type.


filename (str) – Where the decomposition is saved.

  • FileNotFoundError – If the files are not found in the passed directory.
  • DecompositionInvalidDecompositionTypeFile – If the files contains another decomposition type.
matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


The dimension of the squared decomposed matrix.


The permutation vector. A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


The permutation vector that undoes the permutation.


Permutes a matrix by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be permuted.
Returns:The matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Saves this decomposition.

Parameters:filename (str) – Where this decomposition should be saved.
solve(b, dtype=None)

Solves the equation A x = b regarding x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • b (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Right-hand side vector or matrix in equation A x = b. It must hold self.n == b.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

An x so that A x = b. The shape of x matches the shape of b.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

type_str = 'LDL_compressed'

The type of this decomposition represented as string.


Unpermutes a matrix permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be unpermuted.
Returns:The matrix A unpermuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Base decomposition

class matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase(p=None)[source]

Bases: object

A matrix decomposition.

This class is a base class for all other matrix decompositions.

Parameters:p (numpy.ndarray) – The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] where A is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation

The permutation matrix. P @ A @ P.T is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


Makes a new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended.

Parameters:dec (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be appended to this decomposition.
Returns:dec – A new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended. This desomposition represents the first block and the passed one the second block.
Return type:DecompositionBase
as_any_type(*type_strs, copy=False)[source]

Converts this decomposition to any of the passed types.

  • *type_strs (str) – The decomposition types to any of them this this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not in type_strs, a decomposition of type type_str[0] is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_same_type(dec, copy=False)[source]

Converts the passed decompositions to the same type as this decomposition.

  • doc (DecompositionBase) – The decomposition that should be converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of the decomposition that sould be converted should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of the passed decomposition is not same type as this decomposition, a decomposition of this type is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as the passed decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:


as_type(type_str, copy=False)[source]

Converts this decomposition to passed type.

  • type_str (str) – The decomposition type to which this decomposition is converted.
  • copy (bool) – Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed.

If the type of this decomposition is not type_str, a decomposition of type type_str is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on copy.

Return type:



Check if this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Parameters:check_finite (bool) – Whether to perform this check. default: True
Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionNotFiniteError – If this is a decomposition representing a non-finite matrix.

Check if this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Raises:matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

The composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

Type:numpy.matrix or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Copies this decomposition.

Returns:A copy of this decomposition.
Return type:matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase
inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ B @ x, where B is the mattrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ B @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product B @ x, where B is the matrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector B @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of B @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

is_almost_equal(other, rtol=0.0001, atol=1e-06)[source]

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

  • other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
  • rtol (float) – The relative tolerance parameter.
  • atol (float) – The absolute tolerance parameter.

Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition.

Return type:



Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.

Parameters:other (str) – The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition.
Returns:Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this is a decompositon with permutation.


Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.
Return type:bool

Returns whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.

Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix.
Return type:bool

Whether this decomposition is of the passed type.

Parameters:type_str (str) – The decomposition type according to which is checked.
Returns:Whether this is a decomposition of the passed type.
Return type:bool

Loads a decomposition of this type.


filename (str) – Where the decomposition is saved.

  • FileNotFoundError – If the files are not found in the passed directory.
  • DecompositionInvalidDecompositionTypeFile – If the files contains another decomposition type.
matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=None, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product y.H @ A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • y (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product y.H @ A @ x. It must hold self.n == y.shape[0]. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of y.H @ A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=None)[source]

Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product A @ x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • x (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector A @ x. It must hold self.n == x.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

The result of A @ x.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


The dimension of the squared decomposed matrix.


The permutation vector. A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]] is the matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition


The permutation vector that undoes the permutation.


Permutes a matrix by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be permuted.
Returns:The matrix A permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix

Saves this decomposition.

Parameters:filename (str) – Where this decomposition should be saved.
solve(b, dtype=None)[source]

Solves the equation A x = b regarding x, where A is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition.

  • b (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – Right-hand side vector or matrix in equation A x = b. It must hold self.n == b.shape[0].
  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method.

An x so that A x = b. The shape of x matches the shape of b.

Return type:

numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix


matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError – If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix.

type_str = 'base'

The type of this decomposition represented as string.


Unpermutes a matrix permuted by the permutation of the decomposition.

Parameters:A (numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix) – The matrix that should be unpermuted.
Returns:The matrix A unpermuted by the permutation of the decomposition.
Return type:numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix