Source code for matrix.decompositions

This module provides the decompositions which this library can process.

import abc
import copy
import os
import tarfile
import tempfile
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

import matrix
import matrix.constants
import matrix.errors
import matrix.permute
import matrix.util

[docs]class DecompositionBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ A matrix decomposition. This class is a base class for all other matrix decompositions. """ type_str = matrix.constants.BASE_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE """ :class:`str`: The type of this decomposition represented as string. """ def __init__(self, p=None): """ Parameters ---------- p : numpy.ndarray The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of `A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]]` where `A` is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation """ self.p = p # *** str *** # def __str__(self): return '{type_str} decomposition of matrix with shape ({n}, {n})'.format( type_str=self.type_str, n=self.n) # *** permutation *** # @property def is_permuted(self): """ :class:`bool`: Whether this is a decompositon with permutation.""" try: p = self._p except AttributeError: return False else: return np.any(p != np.arange(len(p))) @property def p(self): """ :class:`numpy.ndarray`: The permutation vector. `A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]]` is the matrix `A` permuted by the permutation of the decomposition""" try: return self._p except AttributeError: return np.arange(self.n) @p.setter def p(self, p): if p is not None: p = matrix.util.as_vector(p) self._p = p else: del self.p @p.deleter def p(self): try: del self._p except AttributeError: pass @property def p_inverse(self): """ :class:`numpy.ndarray`: The permutation vector that undoes the permutation.""" return matrix.permute.invert_permutation_vector(self.p) def _apply_previous_permutation(self, p_previous): """ Applies a previous permutation to the current permutation. Parameters ---------- p_previous : numpy.ndarray The previous permutation vector. """ try: p_next = self._p except AttributeError: p_next = None self._p = matrix.permute.concatenate_permutation_vectors(p_previous, p_next) def _apply_succeeding_permutation(self, p_next): """ Applies a succeeding permutation to the current permutation. Parameters ---------- p_next : numpy.ndarray The succeeding permutation vector. """ try: p_previous = self._p except AttributeError: p_previous = None self._p = matrix.permute.concatenate_permutation_vectors(p_previous, p_next) @property def P(self): """ :class:`scipy.sparse.dok_matrix`: The permutation matrix. `P @ A @ P.T` is the matrix `A` permuted by the permutation of the decomposition""" p = self.p n = len(p) P = scipy.sparse.dok_matrix((n, n), dtype=np.int8) for i in range(n): P[i, p[i]] = 1 return P
[docs] def permute_matrix(self, A): """ Permutes a matrix by the permutation of the decomposition. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix that should be permuted. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix `A` permuted by the permutation of the decomposition. """ if self.is_permuted: return matrix.permute.symmetric(A, self.p) else: return A
[docs] def unpermute_matrix(self, A): """ Unpermutes a matrix permuted by the permutation of the decomposition. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix that should be unpermuted. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix `A` unpermuted by the permutation of the decomposition. """ if self.is_permuted: return matrix.permute.symmetric(A, self.p_inverse) else: return A
# *** basic properties *** # @property @abc.abstractmethod def n(self): """:class:`int`: The dimension of the squared decomposed matrix.""" raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def composed_matrix(self): """:class:`numpy.matrix` or :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`: The composed matrix represented by this decomposition.""" raise NotImplementedError # *** compare methods *** # def _is_same_type_and_permutation(self, other): return (isinstance(other, DecompositionBase) and self.type_str == other.type_str and self.is_permuted == other.is_permuted and (not self.is_permuted or (self.n == other.n and np.all(self.p == other.p))))
[docs] def is_equal(self, other): """ Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition. Parameters ---------- other : str The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition. Returns ------- bool Whether this decomposition is equal to passed decomposition. """ return self._is_same_type_and_permutation(other)
def __eq__(self, other): return self.is_equal(other)
[docs] def is_almost_equal(self, other, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-06): """ Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition. Parameters ---------- other : str The decomposition which to compare to this decomposition. rtol : float The relative tolerance parameter. atol : float The absolute tolerance parameter. Returns ------- bool Whether this decomposition is close to passed decomposition. """ return self._is_same_type_and_permutation(other)
# *** convert type *** #
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copies this decomposition. Returns ------- matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase A copy of this decomposition. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Copying {}.'.format(self)) # make copy return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def is_type(self, type_str): """ Whether this decomposition is of the passed type. Parameters ---------- type_str : str The decomposition type according to which is checked. Returns ------- bool Whether this is a decomposition of the passed type. """ if type_str is None: return True else: try: return self.type_str == type_str except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def as_type(self, type_str, copy=False): """ Converts this decomposition to passed type. Parameters ---------- type_str : str The decomposition type to which this decomposition is converted. copy : bool Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed. Returns ------- matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase If the type of this decomposition is not `type_str`, a decomposition of type `type_str` is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on `copy`. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Converting {} to type {type_str} with copy={copy}.'.format(self, type_str=type_str, copy=copy)) # convert if self.is_type(type_str): if copy: return self.copy() else: return self else: raise matrix.errors.NoDecompositionConversionImplementedError(self, type_str)
[docs] def as_any_type(self, *type_strs, copy=False): """ Converts this decomposition to any of the passed types. Parameters ---------- *type_strs : str The decomposition types to any of them this this decomposition is converted. copy : bool Whether the data of this decomposition should always be copied or only if needed. Returns ------- matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase If the type of this decomposition is not in `type_strs`, a decomposition of type `type_str[0]` is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as this decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on `copy`. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Converting {} to any type of {type_strs} with copy={copy}.'.format(self, type_strs=type_strs, copy=copy)) # convert if len(type_strs) == 0 or any(map(self.is_type, type_strs)): if copy: return self.copy() else: return self else: return self.as_type(type_strs[0])
[docs] def as_same_type(self, dec, copy=False): """ Converts the passed decompositions to the same type as this decomposition. Parameters ---------- doc : DecompositionBase The decomposition that should be converted. copy : bool Whether the data of the decomposition that sould be converted should always be copied or only if needed. Returns ------- matrix.decompositions.DecompositionBase If the type of the passed decomposition is not same type as this decomposition, a decomposition of this type is returned which represents the same decomposed matrix as the passed decomposition. Otherwise this decomposition or a copy of it is returned, depending on `copy`. """ return dec.as_type(self.type_str, copy=copy)
# *** features of decomposition *** #
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_sparse(self): """ Returns whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix. Returns ------- bool Whether this is a decomposition of a sparse matrix. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_positive_semidefinite(self): """ Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix. Returns ------- bool Whether this is a decomposition of a positive semi-definite matrix. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_positive_definite(self): """ Returns whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix. Returns ------- bool Whether this is a decomposition of a positive definite matrix. """ return self.is_positive_semidefinite() and not self.is_singular()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_finite(self): """ Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix. Returns ------- bool Whether this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_finite(self, check_finite=True): """ Check if this is a decomposition representing a finite matrix. Parameters ---------- check_finite : bool Whether to perform this check. default: True Raises ------- matrix.errors.DecompositionNotFiniteError If this is a decomposition representing a non-finite matrix. """ if check_finite and not self.is_finite(): raise matrix.errors.DecompositionNotFiniteError(self)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_singular(self): """ Returns whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix. Returns ------- bool Whether this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_invertible(self): """ Returns whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix. Returns ------- bool Whether this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix. """ return not self.is_singular()
[docs] def check_invertible(self): """ Check if this is a decomposition representing an invertible matrix. Raises ------- matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix. """ if self.is_singular(): raise matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError(self)
# *** save and load *** # @property @abc.abstractmethod def _attribute_names(self): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _check_decomposition_filename(filename): filename_suffix = '.' + matrix.constants.DECOMPOSITION_FILENAME_EXTENSION if not filename.endswith(filename_suffix): filename = filename + filename_suffix return filename def _attribute_filename(self, attribute_name, is_sparse): if is_sparse: file_extension = matrix.constants.DECOMPOSITION_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE_EXTENSION else: file_extension = matrix.constants.DECOMPOSITION_ATTRIBUTE_DENSE_FILE_EXTENSION filename = matrix.constants.DECOMPOSITION_ATTRIBUTE_FILENAME.format( attribute_name=attribute_name, file_extension=file_extension) return filename # *** save *** # def _save_type(self, dirname): os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) type_file = os.path.join(dirname, matrix.constants.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE_FILENAME) with open(type_file, 'w') as f: f.write(self.type_str) def _save_attribute(self, dirname, attribute_name): value = getattr(self, attribute_name) is_sparse = scipy.sparse.issparse(value) filename = self._attribute_filename(attribute_name, is_sparse) file = os.path.join(dirname, filename) if is_sparse: scipy.sparse.save_npz(file, value) else: np.savez_compressed(file, **{attribute_name: value})
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Saves this decomposition. Parameters ---------- filename : str Where this decomposition should be saved. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Saving {} to {}.'.format(self, filename)) # check filename filename = DecompositionBase._check_decomposition_filename(filename) # create directory for file os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) # save with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as untared_dir: # save all files to temporary directory self._save_type(untared_dir) for attribute_name in self._attribute_names: self._save_attribute(untared_dir, attribute_name) # make temporary directory to tar file with, mode='w') as tarfile_object: for file in os.listdir(untared_dir): tarfile_object.add(os.path.join(untared_dir, file), arcname=file)
# *** load *** # @staticmethod def _load_from_tar_file(filename, tar_attribute_name, file_load_function): try: with, mode='r') as tar_file_object: with tar_file_object.extractfile(tar_attribute_name) as attribut_file_object: return file_load_function(attribut_file_object) except KeyError as e: raise matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidFile(filename) from e @staticmethod def _load_type(filename): # check filename filename = DecompositionBase._check_decomposition_filename(filename) # define loader def file_load_function(buffered_reader): return # load return DecompositionBase._load_from_tar_file( filename, matrix.constants.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE_FILENAME, file_load_function) def _load_attribute(self, filename, attribute_name): # check filename filename = DecompositionBase._check_decomposition_filename(filename) # define loaders def file_load_function_sparse(buffered_reader): return scipy.sparse.load_npz(buffered_reader) def file_load_function_nonsparse(buffered_reader): with np.load(buffered_reader, allow_pickle=False) as npz_file_object: if len(npz_file_object) == 1: key, value = next(iter(npz_file_object.items())) if len(npz_file_object) != 1 or key != attribute_name: raise matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidFile(filename) return value # load try: attribute = DecompositionBase._load_from_tar_file( filename, self._attribute_filename(attribute_name, is_sparse=True), file_load_function_sparse) except matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidFile: attribute = DecompositionBase._load_from_tar_file( filename, self._attribute_filename(attribute_name, is_sparse=False), file_load_function_nonsparse) setattr(self, attribute_name, attribute)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Loads a decomposition of this type. Parameters ---------- filename : str Where the decomposition is saved. Raises ---------- FileNotFoundError If the files are not found in the passed directory. DecompositionInvalidDecompositionTypeFile If the files contains another decomposition type. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Loading decomposition of type {} from {}.'.format(self.type_str, filename)) # check filename filename = DecompositionBase._check_decomposition_filename(filename) # check type type_str = self._load_type(filename) if type_str != self.type_str: raise matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidDecompositionTypeFile(filename, type_str, self.type_str) # load attributes for attribute_name in self._attribute_names: self._load_attribute(filename, attribute_name)
# *** multiply *** #
[docs] def matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): """ Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product `A @ x`, where `A` is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector `A @ x`. It must hold `self.n == x.shape[0]`. dtype : numpy.dtype Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The result of `A @ x`. """ x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) return self.composed_matrix @ x
[docs] def matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): """ Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product `y.H @ A @ x`, where `A` is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Vector or matrix in the product `y.H @ A @ x`. It must hold `self.n == x.shape[0]`. y : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Vector or matrix in the product `y.H @ A @ x`. It must hold `self.n == y.shape[0]`. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y. dtype : numpy.dtype Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The result of `y.H @ A @ x`. """ x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) if y is None: y = x else: y = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(y, dtype=dtype, copy=False) y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(y) return y @ self.matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): """ Calculates the right side (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product `B @ x`, where `B` is the matrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Vector or matrix in the product in the matrix-matrix or matrix-vector `B @ x`. It must hold `self.n == x.shape[0]`. dtype : numpy.dtype Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The result of `B @ x`. Raises ------ matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): """ Calculates the both sides (matrix-matrix or matrix-vector) product `y.H @ B @ x`, where `B` is the mattrix inverse of the composed matrix represented by this decomposition. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Vector or matrix in the product `y.H @ B @ x`. It must hold `self.n == x.shape[0]`. y : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Vector or matrix in the product `y.H @ B @ x`. It must hold `self.n == y.shape[0]`. optional, default: If y is not passed, x is used as y. dtype : numpy.dtype Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The result of `y.H @ A @ x`. Raises ------ matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix. """ x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) if y is None: y = x else: y = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(y, dtype=dtype, copy=False) y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(y) return y @ self.inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=dtype)
# *** solve systems of linear equations *** #
[docs] def solve(self, b, dtype=None): """ Solves the equation `A x = b` regarding `x`, where `A` is the composed matrix represented by this decomposition. Parameters ---------- b : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix Right-hand side vector or matrix in equation `A x = b`. It must hold `self.n == b.shape[0]`. dtype : numpy.dtype Type to use in computation. optional, default: Determined by the method. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix An `x` so that `A x = b`. The shape of `x` matches the shape of `b`. Raises ------ matrix.errors.DecompositionSingularError If this is a decomposition representing a singular matrix. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Solving linear system with {}.'.format(self)) # solve return self.inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(b, dtype=dtype)
# *** modify decompostion *** #
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def append_block_decomposition(self, dec): """ Makes a new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended. Parameters ---------- dec : DecompositionBase The decomposition that should be appended to this decomposition. Returns ---------- dec : DecompositionBase A new decomposition where this decompsition and the passed one are appended. This desomposition represents the first block and the passed one the second block. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class LDL_Decomposition(DecompositionBase): """ A matrix decomposition where :math:`LDL^H` is the decomposed (permuted) matrix. `L` is a lower triangle matrix with ones on the diagonal. `D` is a diagonal matrix. Only the diagonal values of `D` are stored. """ type_str = matrix.constants.LDL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE """ :class:`str`: The type of this decomposition represented as string. """ def __init__(self, L=None, d=None, p=None): """ Parameters ---------- L : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix `L` of the decomposition. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later. d : numpy.ndarray The vector of the diagonal components of `D` of the decompositon. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later. p : numpy.ndarray The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of `A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]]` where `A` is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation """ self.L = L self.d = d super().__init__(p=p) # *** base properties *** # @property def n(self): return self.L.shape[0] @property def composed_matrix(self): A = self.L @ self.D @ matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L) A = self.unpermute_matrix(A) return A # *** decomposition specific properties *** # @property def L(self): """:class:`numpy.matrix` or :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`: The matrix `L` of the decomposition.""" return self._L @L.setter def L(self, L): if L is not None: L = matrix.util.as_matrix(L) if np.any(L.diagonal() != 1): raise ValueError('The diagonal values of the lower triangle matrix L must all be equal to 1.') self._L = L else: try: del self._L except AttributeError: pass @property def d(self): """:class:`numpy.ndarray`: The diagonal vector of the matrix `D` of the decomposition.""" return self._d @d.setter def d(self, d): if d is not None: d = matrix.util.as_vector(d) if np.iscomplexobj(d) and np.all(np.isreal(d)): d = d.real self._d = d else: try: del self._d except AttributeError: pass @property def D(self): """ :class:`scipy.sparse.dia_matrix`: The permutation matrix.""" return scipy.sparse.diags(self.d) @property def LD(self): """:class:`numpy.matrix` or :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`: A matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of `D` and whose off-diagonal values are those of `L`.""" LD = self.L.copy() d = self.d for i in range(self.n): LD[i, i] = d[i] return LD # *** compare methods *** #
[docs] def is_equal(self, other): return (super().is_equal(other) and np.all(self.d == other.d) and matrix.util.is_equal(self.L, other.L))
[docs] def is_almost_equal(self, other, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-06): return (super().is_almost_equal(other) and np.allclose(self.d, other.d, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) and matrix.util.is_almost_equal(self.L, other.L, rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
# *** convert type *** #
[docs] def as_LL_Decomposition(self): L = self.L d = self.d p = self.p # check d for negative entries for i, d_i in enumerate(d): if d_i < 0: p_i = p[i] raise matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleWithProblematicSubdecompositionError( self, matrix.constants.LL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, p_i) # compute new d d = np.sqrt(d) # compute new L D = scipy.sparse.diags(d) L = L @ D # construct new decomposition return LL_Decomposition(L, p=p)
[docs] def as_LDL_DecompositionCompressed(self): return LDL_DecompositionCompressed(self.LD, p=self.p)
[docs] def as_type(self, type_str, copy=False): try: return super().as_type(type_str, copy=copy) except matrix.errors.NoDecompositionConversionImplementedError: if type_str == matrix.constants.LL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE: return self.as_LL_Decomposition() elif type_str == matrix.constants.LDL_DECOMPOSITION_COMPRESSED_TYPE: return self.as_LDL_DecompositionCompressed() else: raise
# *** features of decomposition *** #
[docs] def is_sparse(self): return scipy.sparse.issparse(self.L)
[docs] def is_finite(self): return matrix.util.is_finite(self.L) and matrix.util.is_finite(self.d)
[docs] def is_positive_semidefinite(self): return np.all(self.d >= 0)
[docs] def is_positive_definite(self): eps = np.finfo(self.d.dtype).resolution return np.all(self.d >= eps)
[docs] def is_singular(self): eps = np.finfo(self.d.dtype).resolution return np.any(np.abs(self.d) < eps)
# *** save and load *** # @property def _attribute_names(self): return ('L', 'd', 'p') # *** multiply *** #
[docs] def matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L) @ x x = (self.d * x.transpose()).transpose() x = self.L @ x x = x[self.p_inverse] return x
[docs] def matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L) @ x if y is not None: y = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(y, dtype=dtype, copy=False) y = y[self.p] y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(y) y = y @ self.L else: y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(x) return (y * self.d) @ x
[docs] def inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self.check_invertible() x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.solve_triangular(self.L, x, lower=True, unit_diagonal=True, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) x = (x.transpose() / self.d).transpose() x = matrix.util.solve_triangular(matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L), x, lower=False, unit_diagonal=True, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) x = x[self.p_inverse] return x
[docs] def inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self.check_invertible() x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.solve_triangular(self.L, x, lower=True, unit_diagonal=True, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) if y is not None: y = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(y, dtype=dtype, copy=False) y = y[self.p] y = matrix.util.solve_triangular(self.L, y, lower=True, unit_diagonal=True, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) else: y = x y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(y) return (y / self.d) @ x
[docs] def append_block_decomposition(self, dec): dec = self.as_same_type(dec, copy=False) p = np.concatenate((self.p, dec.p + self.n)) d = np.concatenate((self.d, dec.d)) L = matrix.util.block_diag(self.L, dec.L) res = LDL_Decomposition(p=p, L=L, d=d) return res
[docs]class LDL_DecompositionCompressed(DecompositionBase): """ A matrix decomposition where :math:`LDL^H` is the decomposed (permuted) matrix. `L` is a lower triangle matrix with ones on the diagonal. `D` is a diagonal matrix. `L` and `D` are stored in one matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of `D` and whose off-diagonal values are those of `L`. """ type_str = matrix.constants.LDL_DECOMPOSITION_COMPRESSED_TYPE """ :class:`str`: The type of this decomposition represented as string. """ def __init__(self, LD=None, p=None): """ Parameters ---------- LD : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix A matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of `D` and whose off-diagonal values are those of `L`. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later. p : numpy.ndarray The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of `A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]]` where `A` is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation """ self.LD = LD super().__init__(p=p) # *** base properties *** # @property def n(self): return self.LD.shape[0] @property def composed_matrix(self): return self.as_LDL_Decomposition().composed_matrix # *** decomposition specific properties *** # @property def LD(self): """:class:`numpy.matrix` or :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`: A matrix whose diagonal values are the diagonal values of `D` and whose off-diagonal values are those of `L`.""" return self._LD @LD.setter def LD(self, LD): if LD is not None: LD = matrix.util.as_matrix(LD) self._LD = LD else: try: del self._LD except AttributeError: pass @property def d(self): """:class:`numpy.ndarray`: The diagonal vector of the matrix `D` of the decomposition.""" LD = self.LD if not self.is_sparse(): LD = np.asarray(LD) d = LD.diagonal() if np.iscomplexobj(d) and np.all(np.isreal(d)): d = d.real return d @property def D(self): """ :class:`scipy.sparse.dia_matrix`: The permutation matrix.""" return scipy.sparse.diags(self.d) @property def L(self): """:class:`numpy.matrix` or :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`: The matrix `L` of the decomposition.""" L = self.LD.copy() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', scipy.sparse.SparseEfficiencyWarning) for i in range(self.n): L[i, i] = 1 return L # *** compare methods *** #
[docs] def is_equal(self, other): return (super().is_equal(other) and matrix.util.is_equal(self.LD, other.LD))
[docs] def is_almost_equal(self, other, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-06): return (super().is_almost_equal(other) and matrix.util.is_almost_equal(self.LD, other.LD, rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
# *** convert type *** #
[docs] def as_LDL_Decomposition(self): return LDL_Decomposition(self.L, self.d, p=self.p)
[docs] def as_type(self, type_str, copy=False): try: return super().as_type(type_str, copy=copy) except matrix.errors.NoDecompositionConversionImplementedError: if type_str == matrix.constants.LDL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE: return self.as_LDL_Decomposition() elif type_str == matrix.constants.LL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE: return self.as_LDL_Decomposition().as_LL_Decomposition() else: raise
# *** features of decomposition *** #
[docs] def is_sparse(self): return scipy.sparse.issparse(self.LD)
[docs] def is_finite(self): return matrix.util.is_finite(self.LD)
[docs] def is_positive_semidefinite(self): return np.all(self.d >= 0)
[docs] def is_positive_definite(self): eps = np.finfo(self.d.dtype).resolution return np.all(self.d >= eps)
[docs] def is_singular(self): eps = np.finfo(self.d.dtype).resolution return np.any(np.abs(self.d) < eps)
# *** save and load *** # @property def _attribute_names(self): return ('LD', 'p') # *** multiply *** #
[docs] def matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): return self.as_LDL_Decomposition().matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): return self.as_LDL_Decomposition().matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=y, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): return self.as_LDL_Decomposition().inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(x, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): return self.as_LDL_Decomposition().inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(x, y=y, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def append_block_decomposition(self, dec): dec = self.as_same_type(dec, copy=False) p = np.concatenate((self.p, dec.p + self.n)) LD = matrix.util.block_diag(self.LD, dec.LD) res = LDL_DecompositionCompressed(p=p, LD=LD) return res
[docs]class LL_Decomposition(DecompositionBase): """ A matrix decomposition where :math:`LL^H` is the decomposed (permuted) matrix. `L` is a lower triangle matrix with ones on the diagonal. This decomposition is also called Cholesky decomposition. """ type_str = matrix.constants.LL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE """ :class:`str`: The type of this decomposition represented as string. """ def __init__(self, L=None, p=None): """ Parameters ---------- L : numpy.ndarray or scipy.sparse.spmatrix The matrix `L` of the decomposition. optional, If it is not set yet, it must be set later. p : numpy.ndarray The permutation vector used for the decomposition. This decomposition is of `A[p[:, np.newaxis], p[np.newaxis, :]]` where `A` is a matrix. optional, default: no permutation """ self.L = L super().__init__(p=p) # *** base properties *** # @property def n(self): return self.L.shape[0] @property def composed_matrix(self): A = self.L @ matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L) A = self.unpermute_matrix(A) return A # *** decomposition specific properties *** # @property def L(self): """:class:`numpy.matrix` or :class:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix`: The matrix `L` of the decomposition.""" return self._L @L.setter def L(self, L): if L is not None: L = matrix.util.as_matrix(L) self._L = L else: try: del self._L except AttributeError: pass # *** compare methods *** #
[docs] def is_equal(self, other): return (super().is_equal(other) and matrix.util.is_equal(self.L, other.L))
[docs] def is_almost_equal(self, other, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-06): return (super().is_almost_equal(other) and matrix.util.is_almost_equal(self.L, other.L, rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
# *** convert type *** # @property def _d(self): """:class:`numpy.ndarray`: The diagonal vector of `L`.""" L = self.L if not self.is_sparse(): L = np.asarray(L) d = L.diagonal() if np.iscomplexobj(d) and np.all(np.isreal(d)): d = d.real return d
[docs] def as_LDL_Decomposition(self): L = self.L p = self.p # d inverse d = self._d d_zero_mask = d == 0 d_inverse = np.empty_like(d) d_inverse[d_zero_mask] = 0 d_inverse[~d_zero_mask] = 1 / d[~d_zero_mask] assert np.all(np.isfinite(d_inverse[np.isfinite(d)])) # check entries where diagonal is zero n = self.n if np.any(d_zero_mask): for i in np.where(d_zero_mask)[0]: for j in range(i + 1, n): if not np.isclose(L[j, i], 0): raise matrix.errors.NoDecompositionPossibleWithProblematicSubdecompositionError( self, matrix.constants.LDL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE, p[i]) # compute new L D_inverse = scipy.sparse.diags(d_inverse) L = L @ D_inverse # set all diagonal elements to one (due to rounding errors) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', scipy.sparse.SparseEfficiencyWarning) for i in range(n): assert np.isclose(L[i, i], 1) or d_zero_mask[i] or not np.isfinite(L[i, i]) L[i, i] = 1 # compute new d d = d * d.conj() # construct new decomposition return LDL_Decomposition(L, d, p=p)
[docs] def as_type(self, type_str, copy=False): try: return super().as_type(type_str, copy=copy) except matrix.errors.NoDecompositionConversionImplementedError: if type_str == matrix.constants.LDL_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE: return self.as_LDL_Decomposition() elif type_str == matrix.constants.LDL_DECOMPOSITION_COMPRESSED_TYPE: return self.as_LDL_Decomposition().as_LDL_DecompositionCompressed() else: raise
# *** features of decomposition *** #
[docs] def is_sparse(self): return scipy.sparse.issparse(self.L)
[docs] def is_finite(self): return matrix.util.is_finite(self.L)
[docs] def is_positive_semidefinite(self): return True
[docs] def is_positive_definite(self): eps = np.finfo(self._d.dtype).resolution return np.all(self._d >= eps)
[docs] def is_singular(self): eps = np.finfo(self._d.dtype).resolution return np.any(np.abs(self._d) < eps)
# *** save and load *** # @property def _attribute_names(self): return ('L', 'p') # *** multiply *** #
[docs] def matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L) @ x x = self.L @ x x = x[self.p_inverse] return x
[docs] def matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L) @ x if y is not None: y = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(y, dtype=dtype, copy=False) y = y[self.p] y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(y) y = y @ self.L else: y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(x) return y @ x
[docs] def inverse_matrix_right_side_multiplication(self, x, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self.check_invertible() x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.solve_triangular(self.L, x, lower=True, unit_diagonal=False, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) x = matrix.util.solve_triangular(matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(self.L), x, lower=False, unit_diagonal=False, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) x = x[self.p_inverse] return x
[docs] def inverse_matrix_both_sides_multiplication(self, x, y=None, dtype=None): x = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(x, dtype=dtype, copy=False) self.check_invertible() x = x[self.p] x = matrix.util.solve_triangular(self.L, x, lower=True, unit_diagonal=False, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) if y is not None: y = matrix.util.as_matrix_or_vector(y, dtype=dtype, copy=False) y = y[self.p] y = matrix.util.solve_triangular(self.L, y, lower=True, unit_diagonal=False, overwrite_b=True, dtype=dtype) else: y = x y = matrix.util.conjugate_transpose(y) return y @ x
[docs] def append_block_decomposition(self, dec): dec = self.as_same_type(dec, copy=False) p = np.concatenate((self.p, dec.p + self.n)) L = matrix.util.block_diag(self.L, dec.L) res = LL_Decomposition(p=p, L=L) return res
# functions handling decompositions def save(filename, decomposition): """ Saves a decomposition. Parameters ---------- filename : str Where the decomposition should be saved. decomposition : DecompositionBase The decomposition that should be saved. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Saving decomposition to {}.'.format(filename)) # save def load(filename): """ Loads a decomposition. Parameters ---------- filename : str Where the decomposition is saved. Raises ---------- FileNotFoundError If the files are not found in the passed directory. DecompositionInvalidFile If the files does not contain a stored decomposition. """ # debug info matrix.logger.debug('Loading decomposition from {}.'.format(filename)) # load type_str = DecompositionBase._load_type(filename) decomposition_classes = (LDL_Decomposition, LDL_DecompositionCompressed, LL_Decomposition, DecompositionBase) for decomposition_class in decomposition_classes: if decomposition_class.type_str == type_str: decomposition = decomposition_class() decomposition.load(filename) return decomposition raise matrix.errors.DecompositionInvalidFile(filename)